Thursday, July 15, 2010

today is the first full day in Barcelona! yesterday was a little hecktic, our flight was delayed for almost 2.5 hours and we had some trouble checking in to our hotel and also found out my roaming was on and already have been charged 220.00$...woops. but todays a new day and its beautiful in Barcelona. we ddint realy go out last night we were super tired from the night before with only 2 hours of sleep.. night to in barcelona was a blasttt. johnny was here we went back to Havannas bar then at like 5 am went swimming in the medditranan sea. we had to wake up at early to catch our flight to barcelona.
we are at a little cafe using their internet and eating breakfast. today we are planning on going to the gaudi park. its supposed to be amazing. then probably do this pub crawl tonight. love you all. probably write tomorrow. or the next day.

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